
100DaysOfHomelab 11/100 - Docker Compose

Summary So, this is a day where I’m looking up a lot of things and trying to set some infrastructure up via Docker. In my research and planning, I found out that I need (like, really, really need) ...

100DaysOfHomelab 10/100 - Research Day

This is a research day for me! See yesterday’s post about the videos that I’m using for learning about Docker. Docker Networking is going to be a big part of what I’m looking at, so that I can mak...

100DaysOfHomelab 9/100 - Containers are Cool

Containers are cool. I’m tempted to write “that is all” at this point. Not a lot of visible progress today. I did get the MidPoint container that I was looking to get up and running set up without ...

100DaysOfHomelab 8/100 - Docker and Basics

Summary So today, given the demise of the ProxMox project for now, I’ve changed focus. One of the things that I want to get back up and running is a MidPoint container, just to learn on. It’s kind ...

100DaysOfHomelab 7/100 - Troubleshooting and Failure

Today (short post, btw) I spent what time that I did on my homelab (more than an hour, less than two) trying to find my way around a dead, possibly bricked, laptop that I was going to use to host P...

100DaysOfHomelab 6/100 - A Tale of Life and Broken Hardware

Welp, the laptop that I was putting ProxMox on is…dead? Maybe? I’m tearing it and the other just like it apart today to see if I can cobble together a working platform. Unfortunately, my processor ...

100DaysOfHomelab 5/100 - And it All Comes Tumbling Down...

This is going to be a very short one, with hopefully a longer post this evening, if I have time. So I got up today and checked on my HomeLab, as you do. ProxMox is not being served, though it does...

100DaysOfHomelab 4/100 - ProxMox...Finally!

Summary Finally I’m getting to installing ProxMox. This has…not been a seamless process! I had a couple of problems right out of the gate: I didn’t have an ethernet cable, and ProxMox does not i...

100DaysOfHomelab 4/100 Part Deaux - Setting up OPNsense (basic)

Summary Setting up OPNsense isn’t exactly easy to set up, but it’s not overly difficult, either. The UI is phenomenal, and easy to understand. Pro tip: turn on the ‘full help’ toggle in the upper-r...

100DaysOfHomelab 3/100 - More Sidequesting

Blog update Well, Jekyll and Chirpy together look great, and so far it is great! That being said, there are some…quirks…with how the posts and tabs work, especially with the test server. Some of t...