
100DaysOfHomelab 20/100 - Workplace Weariness and Karefree K8s

Well, as I’ve mentioned a few times previously, I have a new job. I’m out of training, and that’s great, I really love what I do (entry-level IAM Engineer), and it’s certianly interesting! Unfortun...

100DaysOfHomelab 19/100 - Dropping Containers, Building Machines

I missed a day blogging, but I did work on my current project for about an hour yesterday. Still not going to count it, since I’m not sure. Basically, while Emby is pretty good, I really don’t like...

100DaysOfHomelab 18/100 - Doing the Emby Shuffle

Finally! So, I finally have a media server set up! I did drop Jellyfin (for now…it really looks like the best thing going if you don’t want a subscription) and switched to Emby. It was extraordinar...

100DaysOfHomelab 17/100 - Jellyfin Stings

So today, there is Jellyfin. Well, there is a container that has Jellyfin in it, but I can’t really access it. This is frustrating on several levels. The issue is permissions. I just deleted a long...

100DaysOfHomelab 16/100 - Nuke It From Orbit

Hello again! Maybe “Hello World” might be appropriate, here. As you can probably tell from the title, today’s exercise in futility with Docker finally got to the point where I tore it all down. I d...

100DaysOfHomelab 15/100 - The Break and More Docker Compose

So if you’re one of the (maybe 1-2) people who follow me blogging here, then you probably have noticed that I haven’t posted in a week. Well, I started a new job on Monday. Frankly, after getting o...

100DaysOfHomelab 13-14/100 - Docker Compose and Networking

So I didn’t post anything yesterday. There was really nothing to talk about beyond: I made a bunch of tiny edits in my docker-compose.yml file, pushed them to GitHub one by one, and pulled them dow...

Skills: What are the Most Important Ones in Tech?

Summary I see a lot of discussion online about skills, and what are the most important skills to have to land a job in tech. I don’t have a huge amount of experience in tech jobs (yet) short of tec...

100DaysOfHomelab 12/100 - Learning and RL Conflicts

Today’s more learning. I’ve gotten several docker containers working via docker-compose, which is great, but I really need to get the docker networks thing figured out. There’s got to be something ...

CIA: At the Intersection of Security and Business Processes

Summary Fair warning: I’ve had less than 2 hours of sleep, and this may ramble a bit. See the Table of Contents on the right sidebar to skip to sections. The CIA triad is something that we all pay...