Home 100DaysOfHomelab 9/100 - Containers are Cool

100DaysOfHomelab 9/100 - Containers are Cool

Containers are cool. I’m tempted to write “that is all” at this point. Not a lot of visible progress today. I did get the MidPoint container that I was looking to get up and running set up without issue. I’ve got several others that I’m working on getting up, but I’m having issues with Volumes. As in, even though I (thought that I) had defined the volumes, linking the directory in WSL where I have the library that I want mounted to the internal container directory…it’s just not working.

Today I’m watching and reading tutorials on Docker. NetworkChuck’s video on Docker101 is my start point, and I’ll be going through some of my favorite YouTubers that make this kind of content. I always hesitate to use YouTube for this kind of things because I am highly subject to “squirrel” moments. I fully expect to be diverted from my goal today and end up studying K8s already. It’s on the list, but a couple of steps from here, as I want to get some reliable hardware or at least a stable virtual network before I start going into HA and scalability.

Playlist that I’m looking at for today:

  1. NetworkChuck’s Docker101 video
  2. freeCodeCamp.org’s Docker Tutorial for Beginners
  3. The Digital Life’s Docker Networking Tutorial
  4. Also from The Digital Life: Server Monitoring (with Grafana/Loki) (Told you there would be some squirrelage)
  5. NetworkChuck’s Docker Networking
  6. TechnoTim’s Virtualize or Containerize
  7. TechnoTim’s Meet Grafana Loki (Yes, I really want to get this set up)
  8. NetworkChuck’s Docker Compose video

Also going to be looking at TechHut’s video about ditching the Rasberry Pi

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100DaysOfHomelab 8/100 - Docker and Basics

100DaysOfHomelab 10/100 - Research Day