Home 100DaysOfHomelab 7/100 - Troubleshooting and Failure

100DaysOfHomelab 7/100 - Troubleshooting and Failure

Today (short post, btw) I spent what time that I did on my homelab (more than an hour, less than two) trying to find my way around a dead, possibly bricked, laptop that I was going to use to host ProxMox. And I wasn’t able to do anything with it. I’m sure that there will be lots of frustrations like this as I go. I also haven’t been able to successfully virtualize ProxMox on the Windows desktop that I’m using.

There was a reason that I didn’t spend too much time on homelabbing today, though, and it’s a good thing! I start a new job on September 26, and so we did a little celebration today. This also means that eventually (after the bills from being unemployed for so long are caught up) I’ll be able to acquire some basic hardware for setting up my homelab when necessary. Hopefully this will let me build a ProxMox-dedicated computer, with extra NICs and the like for passing through to VMs and Containers.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

100DaysOfHomelab 6/100 - A Tale of Life and Broken Hardware

100DaysOfHomelab 8/100 - Docker and Basics