Home 100DaysOfHomelab 6/100 - A Tale of Life and Broken Hardware

100DaysOfHomelab 6/100 - A Tale of Life and Broken Hardware

Welp, the laptop that I was putting ProxMox on is…dead? Maybe? I’m tearing it and the other just like it apart today to see if I can cobble together a working platform. Unfortunately, my processor doesn’t support nested virtualization, and so I can’t put ProxMox in a VM right now, either. Additionally, I finally got a job in the information security space, starting later this month, and so I need to be working on projects that will help me with that, as well.

So, ProxMox is likely (unless I can get a laptop up and running) a dead project for now. On the bright side, once I’m working (and thus getting paid) regularly, then I’ll be able to eventually afford some hardware to work on. This is a temporary setback, and more of a refocusing of efforts. I’ll still be homelabbing, I certainly haven’t given up on that, but my next projects (again, unless there’s a laptop miracle) will likely be getting Postgres up and running on a virtual server, and setting up the MidPoint IAM solution, likely in a container, as well.

Today won’t prove all that interesting to anybody but me, as I’ll be up to my elbows in pieces and parts, and honestly I think I’ll do a little gaming to celebrate getting a job. I’ve interviewed with these people enough to know that I really want to work for/with them, so that’s certainly something to celebrate!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

100DaysOfHomelab 5/100 - And it All Comes Tumbling Down...

100DaysOfHomelab 7/100 - Troubleshooting and Failure