Home 100DaysOfHomelab 5/100 - And it All Comes Tumbling Down...

100DaysOfHomelab 5/100 - And it All Comes Tumbling Down...

This is going to be a very short one, with hopefully a longer post this evening, if I have time.

So I got up today and checked on my HomeLab, as you do. ProxMox is not being served, though it does boot to the command line. Rebooting, I noticed that numerous services are not starting up. This may well be a hardware issue (it’s my former laptop for a reason, after all) or it could be that I borked something in the GUI, even. So today, I’ll be reinstalling ProxMox, uploading .iso images for it, and then reinstalling OPNsense. Ironically, I did take a backup of OPNsense after I got the basics set up, but it was saved to the local folder in ProxMox! The first thing that I was planning to do today was going to be to move that backup to some network storage in a different location. Ah well, lessons learned.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

100DaysOfHomelab 4/100 - ProxMox...Finally!

100DaysOfHomelab 6/100 - A Tale of Life and Broken Hardware