Home 100DaysOfHomelab 13-14/100 - Docker Compose and Networking

100DaysOfHomelab 13-14/100 - Docker Compose and Networking

So I didn’t post anything yesterday. There was really nothing to talk about beyond: I made a bunch of tiny edits in my docker-compose.yml file, pushed them to GitHub one by one, and pulled them down to my test machine. I would literally make an edit in Sublime on my macbook, commit/push the change, and then on my VM, I would hit up-arrow twice and enter to send git pull, followed by another two up-arrows and enter to send sudo docker-compose up -d over and over again.

I had circular references for links. I removed all the links, because I got to looking at the docker documentation, and they are no longer recommended. You get almost all of the functionality by using user-defined networking. Awesome!

Except…user-defined networking in docker-compose is a little nightmarish unless you want to use the default “bridge” network with a custom name. What I’m trying to do is use ipvlan L3, as that honestly seems like the best fit for my use case here. I want to be able to set up specific subnets for classes of containers…like using for general-purpose things, like Heimdall and Yacht. I’d like to use specifically for logging and security related containers. It goes on from there. Setting up the static route in my router really isn’t the problem, it’s not a great router, but it does have the functionality. The issue here (I can create the network manually using docker network) is that I can’t get docker-compose to like it. I get the error that ipvlan is not a valid driver. I’ve been digging through the documentation for docker compose, and, well…have you ever read Microsoft documentation from the 90s? I think Docker hired the same people. Their documentation is technically correct, but almost completely worthless if you’re looking for a specific thing. Terrible application of technical writing. Still, it does have the information in there, it’s just hard to find. I’ll keep digging for it. Apparently this isn’t a terribly common use-case, as some basic Googling led me to completely irrelevant YouTube videos and the Docker docs. So, it’s going to be a lot of Google-Fu to find the information that I need.

I’m also thinking about taking tomorrow “off” of homelabbing, and just play some video games. I’ve completed all of my assignments for my class in school, and I start my new position on Monday…a little bit of celebration seems in order. Not sure if I’ll keep these classes for next semester (I’m registered, but next week is a “break” week, and then I have the first week of class for drop/add) or not, it’s really going to depend on the onboarding process. That said, I don’t actually need this degree at this point in my career…I’m just getting started, and a Master’s is just as likely to hurt as to help my prospects.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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100DaysOfHomelab 15/100 - The Break and More Docker Compose