Home 100DaysOfHomelab 12/100 - Learning and RL Conflicts

100DaysOfHomelab 12/100 - Learning and RL Conflicts

Today’s more learning. I’ve gotten several docker containers working via docker-compose, which is great, but I really need to get the docker networks thing figured out. There’s got to be something super simple that I’m missing that’s making this fail. So, today will be reading and experimenting, and the interminable repetition of:

  • Edit docker-compose.yaml in Sublime
  • Push the edits to GitHub
  • Pull the edits from GitHub on my server
  • hit up-arrow twice and run “sudo docker-compose up -d”
  • Repeat ad-nauseum

So a boring day from the outside. For me, though, I really like troubleshooting this sort of thing, as it’s the best way for me to learn something, so I’m kind of excited.

Also today, however, a lot of time was spent with new-hire paperwork, finding a notary that would work as a business representative to witness and fill out an I-9 (yeah, that’s apparently not a thing most notaries do around here, for whatever reason) since I’ll be working remote…and I don’t want to have to mail my physical social security card and driver’s license (I don’t have a passport) across the country, then have them mailed back. The I-9 is one of those super-important forms that is also a massive pain in the rear. They can’t even be (or aren’t supposed to be, anyhow) stored with your employee file…the business has to have a separate storage place for them. When I ran hotels, that was why I had a divider in the hanging file drawer. Exact same titles on the folder tabs…employee files were on the left, I-9 stuff on the right. So there were some hoops to jump through to get everything sorted. Still, I’m really excited by this opportunity, and given that I know the kind of things that are technically required for this stuff, it’s not like it bothers me or I would get upset by it. It’s just a regulation. It’s not like we don’t all deal with plenty of those, right? Unfortunately, this does limit the amount of time I can spend with the homelab today.

(Oh crap, I forgot that I have a paper due in school, too! LOL, welp, time to switch writing gears!)

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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