Home 100DaysOfHomelab 10/100 - Research Day

100DaysOfHomelab 10/100 - Research Day

This is a research day for me!

See yesterday’s post about the videos that I’m using for learning about Docker. Docker Networking is going to be a big part of what I’m looking at, so that I can make sure the services that I launch are reachable, while maintaining network segmentation. That said, at this point I’ll just be happy if I can get further services up and running, and I’ll figure out the security part later if need be.

I’m thinking that I’ll be looking at an ipvlan l3 network to begin with. I’m not absolutely fixated on this, but it seems like it’s most likely the best fit for what I’m doing. It’s pretty easy to set up a static route to my desktop from my router (already done) but I need to redeploy a container in there to see how it works. I may test it with the MidPoint container that I have up and running, or I may set up something super-simple that I don’t care about, just to test it. Maybe a “Hello World” type of container for testing.

Fortunately, I really like doing research, so this kind of day is pretty fun for me. Don’t expect tomorrow’s post to be much longer/meatier than this one, as I’ll likely be still researching for at least half of the time I have for this project.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

100DaysOfHomelab 9/100 - Containers are Cool

100DaysOfHomelab 11/100 - Docker Compose