Home 100DaysOfHomelab 19/100 - Dropping Containers, Building Machines

100DaysOfHomelab 19/100 - Dropping Containers, Building Machines

I missed a day blogging, but I did work on my current project for about an hour yesterday. Still not going to count it, since I’m not sure. Basically, while Emby is pretty good, I really don’t like the subscription thing. And since I couldn’t get Jellyfin working in a container, like I wanted it to be (and will still work on from time-to-time) I decided to spin up a small Ubuntu VM in VirtualBox, and just leave that running. Can’t wait to get some hardware that will actually allow me to run ProxMox on it. I’m considering something like the ZimaBoard 832 - which has a quad-core Celeron processor and 8GB of RAM, 2 SATA ports, a PCIE port, and 2x 1GB Ethernet. I might get two, and use one to OpnSense. I don’t have the funds to upgrade to a 10-gig home network yet, so that’s not an issue at the moment. And for $200…it sounds like a pretty decent deal.

In any case, I’ve spent the last couple of days setting up Jellyfin the way that I want it (for now…I want it behind Traefik eventually, once I get that going) and moving around movies, tv shows, books, music, etc. Jellyfin is certainly not a replacement for Calibre, but since the data storage that I’m using for it is also where I keep my Calibre library…I figured it doesn’t hurt anything to link it there. It might work better if it wasn’t set up as a Calibre library since that is all sorted by author. I’m planning to eventually take a look at the book naming convention documentation for Jellyfin, and see if I have to set things up in a certain way to make it work decently, or if there are some settings that I can tweak manually. Heck, once I get the time, I may look into contributing a plugin or something that would make reading a Calibre-type library into a usable experience.

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100DaysOfHomelab 18/100 - Doing the Emby Shuffle

100DaysOfHomelab 20/100 - Workplace Weariness and Karefree K8s