Home 100DaysOfHomelab 18/100 - Doing the Emby Shuffle

100DaysOfHomelab 18/100 - Doing the Emby Shuffle


So, I finally have a media server set up! I did drop Jellyfin (for now…it really looks like the best thing going if you don’t want a subscription) and switched to Emby. It was extraordinarily easy to set up…just copy the docker-config text from the page on Docker Hub. This is another image by linuxserver.io, and it runs great…just like everything from them that I’ve tried, other than Jellyfin.

Tweaking the Knobs

Most of the day’s time has been spent tweaking the server setting, setting up accounts for my family, and organizing media. Currently, I am using a 4TB drive that is connected to my router, and is also where my Calibre library resides. I made a mistake to begin with, and just was storing the files within my WSL instance. I thought that I had set this Windows box up where all “store” apps were stored on D:, which is 8TB. I was incorrect…everything was being stored on C:, which is a 1TB NVME. Needless to say, I ran out of space quite quickly. Until all of that gets moved again across the network, that computer is pretty much out of commission…and I don’t have 10GB networking set up yet. So…I guess I’m glad that I write these on my Mac!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

100DaysOfHomelab 17/100 - Jellyfin Stings

100DaysOfHomelab 19/100 - Dropping Containers, Building Machines